FRESH RUBBER! New Spoof Film with Airblaster x FERAL Wetsuits
FRESH RUBBER! from Plus M Productions on Vimeo. Ever pull up to the beach and see nothing but perfect spitting tubular waves? Ever put your wetsuit on and feel sorry for the seals who aren’t wearing such quality swimming outfits? Ever shred a wave so hard that you feel way...
Kashia Coastal Reserve – ‘This Weekend I Saw Hope and It Was Beautiful’
We've had the great honor over the last year to work on several projects with the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians, to help tell the story of their returning to their traditional lands along the Sonoma Coast. We most recently partnered with The Trust For Public Land to create a...
STEM-focused High School ‘Day in the Life’ Documentaries – Research Collaboration
We had the great pleasure of teaming up with George Washington University and SRI International to produce a series of 'Day in the Life' documentaries to compliment their ongoing OSPrI (Opportunity Structures for Preparation and Inspiration) research project. We traveled with the research team to Columbus, Ohio, where we spent...
#CloseTheLoop – End Coal Subsidies on Public Land!
As part of our continued work on the Momenta Project with Protect Our Winters, we've recently turned our attention towards the federal coal leasing program. Currently, a staggering 40% of America’s coal production comes from publicly owned land managed by the federal government. The worst part of the outdated coal...
WSFF: Here and Now Presents Healing Story of Tribal, Open Space Partnership – Film Review
A great article came out today by Pamela Biery on about our film 'Here and Now' and it screening at the Wild and Scenic Film festival this weekend. Here's the LINK, or continue reading below. By: Pamela Biery January 14, 2016 - If Inaritu’s film “The Revenant” suggests a...
Here and Now is Wild & Scenic
First off.... HAPPY 2016!! Our film – Here and Now which tells the story of Native American tribes returning to ancestral Californian lands – will be highlighted at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival, Jan. 14-18, in Nevada City, CA. Here and Now (TRAILER) from Bay Area Open Space Council...
Plus M Productions 2015 Video Reel – What a Year!!
We threw together a quick reel of some of our favorite video projects from 2015, check it out! Plus M Productions - 2015 Reel from Plus M Productions on Vimeo. Huge thanks to all our wonderful 2015 collaborators - you rock!!! Bay Area Open Space Council, Western National Parks Association,...
MOMENTA Update, Abridged Version… and the Dirksen Derby!
Hi Everyone, Happy December! El Nino is bringing some much needed rain to California as well as plenty of swell for the surf dogs and lots of snow for the more vertically inclined of you. And we're bringing some updates to the ongoing Momenta Project. First, check out this December...