We’re honored to partner with Resistance School @ Berkeley. Resistance School @ Berkeley seeks to make strategy and communication tools available to people and grassroots groups to support their work in promoting and defending fairness, equity, and inclusivity. We seek to broaden access to those tools and knowledge by connecting local and national experts at with people on the front lines.

Recent events have made the work of long-time organizers and activists even more vital, and people who have never organized before suddenly feel a need to take action. In spring 2017, students at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government founded Resistance School to meet this growing demand for organizing training and skills. Recognizing the continued need to train and empower progressive organizers, a group of students at the Goldman School of Public Policy founded Resistance School @ Berkeley. Together, Resistance School and Resistance School @ Berkeley support organizing efforts across a range of skill and experience levels.





See this article for more.